선물 (0)
ohhliviaa님의 주요 정보
성별 | 여성 |
관심 대상 | 남성 |
나이 | 21 |
신장 | 5' - 5'3" [150센티미터 - 160센티미터] |
무게 | 100 - 120 파운드 [45 - 55 킬로그램] |
헤어 | 흑발 |
눈 | 파란색 |
인종 | 백인 |
언어 | 영어, 알바니아인 |
고향 | London |
음모 | 털 면도함 |
가슴 | 작음 |
엉덩이 | 중간 |
나를 흥분 시키는 것
The sound of the money rollin in.
내 소개
Hi, I’m your girl Olivia! I’m that whose eyes sparkle and who's smile lights up the room. The one that turns heads like swivel chairs. I am the woman you can be naughty with, the woman you can talk dirty to. Mind, soul, and body connections, especially all in one, play a big role in my life as well. But.. let’s not kill the mystery and let you now all about me, Shall we explore your passions?
내 기분을 상하게 하는 것
Guys who ask for things before tipping
웹캠에서 하는 일:
ohhliviaa의 방송 업무 시간
님의 위시리스트
Buy new hardware for streaming.
I just started streaming one month ago.. I started to like it.. and now I'm trying to put some money aside to buy new hardware for better quality streams.
Visit Bali - Maybe live there for a while...
I wold love to visit Bali in this life. I enjoy travelling so much!
Buy a brand new car - with warranty
I only had one car until now, VW Golf 4 - 2000 - I can't complain .. it works ok.. but every 4 months in need to put in a service and spend some money on it. I plan my next car to have warranty so I'll not spend so much money on it.
댓글 (6)
24. 3. 10.
Always very good time with you again thank you sweet kiss princess :)
24. 2. 17.
perfect really parfect
24. 2. 14.
Perfect as always, I like that 😍
24. 2. 10.
perfect young woman , the best
24. 2. 10.
perfect young woman sweet kiss
23. 6. 10.
ubelievable sexy and cute girl