전체 모델
프로모션 전체 콘테스트 Janetcams 앱
  • ohhliviaa Make an ideea! photo 8161601
  • ohhliviaa Make an ideea! photo 8161599


접속 시 알림 받기
모델 고정하기
21, 물고기 자리, UK, London
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소셜 네트워크
선물 (0)
ohhliviaa님의 주요 정보
성별 여성
관심 대상 남성
나이 21
신장 5' - 5'3" [150센티미터 - 160센티미터]
무게 100 - 120 파운드 [45 - 55 킬로그램]
헤어 흑발
인종 백인
언어 영어, 알바니아인
고향 London
음모 털 면도함
가슴 작음
엉덩이 중간
나를 흥분 시키는 것
The sound of the money rollin in.
내 소개
Hi, I’m your girl Olivia! I’m that whose eyes sparkle and who's smile lights up the room. The one that turns heads like swivel chairs. I am the woman you can be naughty with, the woman you can talk dirty to. Mind, soul, and body connections, especially all in one, play a big role in my life as well.

But.. let’s not kill the mystery and let you now all about me, Shall we explore your passions?
내 기분을 상하게 하는 것
Guys who ask for things before tipping
웹캠에서 하는 일:
ohhliviaa의 방송 업무 시간

ohhliviaa의 아마추어 영상

I put a spell on you
10 토큰
님의 위시리스트
Buy new hardware for streaming. 1
Buy new hardware for streaming.
I just started streaming one month ago.. I started to like it.. and now I'm trying to put some money aside to buy new hardware for better quality streams.
더 읽기
Visit Bali - Maybe live there for a while... 2
Visit Bali - Maybe live there for a while...
I wold love to visit Bali in this life. I enjoy travelling so much!
더 읽기
Buy a brand new car - with warranty 3
Buy a brand new car - with warranty
I only had one car until now, VW Golf 4 - 2000 - I can't complain .. it works ok.. but every 4 months in need to put in a service and spend some money on it. I plan my next car to have warranty so I'll not spend so much money on it.
더 읽기
댓글 (6)
24. 3. 10.
Always very good time with you again thank you sweet kiss princess :)
24. 2. 17.
perfect really parfect
24. 2. 14.
Perfect as always, I like that 😍
24. 2. 10.
perfect young woman , the best
24. 2. 10.
perfect young woman sweet kiss
23. 6. 10.
ubelievable sexy and cute girl